
Selected cohort:

survey year: 2022
years since graduation: 1
degree programme level (aggregation of degree programme type): all
degree programme type: second-level degree programme (post-Bologna process reform)
University: Torino
Faculty/Department/School: Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche (Dip.)
broad field of study: all
field of study: all
degree classification: Economics (LM-56, 64/S)
degree programme (post-Bologna process reform): economia - economics (LM-56)
employment status at graduation : all

For a better understanding of the data, we advice you to consult the methodological notes

Unless otherwise specified, the statistical documentation published on the website can be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, citing the source.
Data sheet displayed refers to the most restrictive definition of employed (excludes respondents who stated they were performing a paid training activity).
Consult data sheet referred to less restrictive definition of employed
For more details about the definitions of employed consult methodological notes
1. Survey population Selected cohort
Number of graduates sort 40
Number of interviewees sort 28
Response rate on total graduates  sort 70.0
Response rate on contactable graduates  sort 80.0
Gender (%) 
Male sort 67.5
Female sort 32.5
Age at graduation (average, in years)  sort 25.5
Graduation mark (average, out of 110)  sort 104.6
Duration of studies (average, in years)  sort 2.7
Graduation delay index  sort 0.33
2b. Post-degree studies Selected cohort
Have taken part in at least one post-degree educational activity (%)  sort 50.0
Post-degree studies: concluded/still ongoing (% per activity) 
Unpaid voluntary cooperation sort 3.6
Internship sort 3.6
PhD sort 7.1
Postgraduate school sort -
1st-level academic master sort 3.6
2nd-level academic master sort 3.6
Other type of academic master sort 3.6
Internship in a company sort 35.7
Vocational training course sort -
Activity financed by a scholarship sort 3.6
3. Employment status Selected cohort
Employment status (%)   
Working sort 57.1
Not working and not looking for a job sort 28.6
Not working but looking for a job sort 14.3
Percentage of graduates who are not looking for a job but are attending a degree programme or are involved in an educational activity   sort 7.1
Post-degree working experiences (%) 
Not working but have worked after graduation sort 17.9
Have never worked after graduation sort 25.0
Employment rate  
Male sort 76.5
Female sort 90.9
Total sort 82.1
Unemployment rate  sort 8.0
4. Entry in the labour market Selected cohort
Number of employed graduates  sort 16
Employed graduates: employment status at graduation (%) 
Continuing in the job held prior to graduation sort 18.8
Not continuing the job held before graduation sort 12.5
Started working after graduation sort 68.8
Employed graduates: average time (in months) to enter the labour market  
Time between graduation and the search for the first job sort 0.5
Time between the start of the search for the first job and finding one sort 2.3
Time between graduation and finding the first job sort 2.8
5. Current job characteristics Selected cohort
Occupation (%)  
Entrepreneurs, legislators and top management sort -
Jobs requiring a high level of specialisation sort 81.3
Jobs requiring technical specialisation sort 18.8
Clerical jobs sort -
Other jobs  sort -
Type of work (%) 
Self-employment  sort -
Permanent contract   sort 25.0
Fixed-term contract sort 50.0
Research grant sort 6.3
Training contract  sort 12.5
Other type of contract  sort 6.3
Without a contract sort -
Smart working incidence (%)  sort 50.0
Part-time incidence (%) sort -
Number of weekly working hours (average)    sort 39.5
6. Company characteristics Selected cohort
Company sector (%) 
Public sort 18.8
Private sort 75.0
Not-for-profit sort 6.3
Company branch (%) 
Agriculture sort -
Engineering industries and precision engineering industries sort 6.3
Building industry   sort -
Chemistry/Energy   sort 6.3
Manufacturing industry   sort 18.8
Total for industry sort 31.3
Commerce   sort -
Credit and insurance sort 6.3
Transport, advertising and communications   sort -
Consulting   sort 18.8
Computer science sort 12.5
Other services for companies sort 12.5
Public administration, armed forces sort -
Education and research   sort 18.8
Public health sort -
Other services   sort -
Total for services sort 68.8
Work geographic area (%) 
North-West sort 75.0
North-East sort -
Centre sort -
South sort -
Isles sort -
Abroad sort 25.0
7. Salary Selected cohort
Average monthly net salary (in euro)   
Male sort 1,584
Female sort 1,813
Total sort 1,715
8. Need for and use of a degree in the current job Selected cohort
Graduates who continue in the job started before graduation: they noticed an improvement in their job thanks to the degree (%) sort 66.7
Graduates who continue in the job started before graduation and who noticed an improvement in their job thanks to the degree: kind of improvement (%) 
Financial sort -
Professional status sort -
Functions sort 50.0
Professional skills sort 50.0
Any other aspect sort -
Applicability of skills acquired through the degree programme (%) 
Highly applicable sort 50.0
Limited applicability sort 50.0
Not applicable sort -
Usefulness of the education acquired during the university experience (%) 
Very useful sort 62.5
Not very useful sort 37.5
Not useful at all sort -
Degree required to obtain the current job (%) 
Required by law sort 25.0
Not required by law, but necessary sort 37.5
Not required by law, but useful sort 37.5
Neither required by law, nor useful sort -
9. Degree effectiveness and satisfaction with the current job Selected cohort
Effectiveness of the degree for the current job (%)   
Very effective/effective sort 62.5
Fairly effective sort 37.5
Not very effective/ineffective sort -
Satisfaction with the current job (average, range 1-10) sort 8.3
Employed graduates looking for a job (%) sort 12.5
3. Employment status Selected cohort
Employment rate  
Male sort 76.5
Female sort 90.9
Total sort 82.1
Percentage of graduates who are not looking for a job but are attending a degree programme or are involved in an educational activity   sort -
Post-degree working experiences (%)  
Not working but have worked after graduation sort 10.7
Have never worked after graduation sort 7.1
Job search (%)  
Not working and not looking for a job sort 7.1
Not working but looking for a job sort 10.7
Unemployment rate  sort 8.0
4. Entry in the labour market Selected cohort
Number of employed graduates sort 23
Employed graduates: employment status at graduation (%) 
Continuing in the job held prior to graduation sort 13.0
Not continuing the job held before graduation sort 13.0
Started working after graduation sort 73.9
Employed graduates: average time (in months) to enter the labour market  
Time between graduation and the search for the first job sort 1.0
Time between the start of the search for the first job and finding one sort 1.9
Time between graduation and finding the first job sort 2.8
5. Current job characteristics Selected cohort
Occupation (%)  
Entrepreneurs and top management sort -
Jobs requiring a high level of specialisation sort 56.5
Jobs requiring technical specialisation sort 13.0
Clerical jobs sort -
Other jobs  sort -
Other  sort 30.4
Type of work (%) 
Self-employment  sort -
Permanent contract   sort 17.4
Fixed-term contract sort 34.8
Scholarship or study or research grant  sort 13.0
Training contract  sort 30.4
Other type of contract  sort 4.3
Without a contract sort -
Smart working incidence (%)  sort 47.8
Part-time incidence (%) sort -
Number of weekly working hours (average)    sort 41.2
6. Company characteristics Selected cohort
Company sector (%) 
Public sort 30.4
Private sort 65.2
Not-for-profit sort 4.3
Company branch (%) 
Agriculture sort -
Engineering industries and precision engineering industries sort 4.3
Building industry   sort -
Chemistry/Energy   sort 4.3
Manufacturing industry   sort 13.0
Total for industry sort 21.7
Commerce   sort -
Credit and insurance sort 8.7
Transport, advertising and communications   sort 4.3
Consulting   sort 17.4
Computer science sort 17.4
Other services for companies sort 8.7
Public administration, armed forces sort -
Education and research   sort 21.7
Public health sort -
Other services   sort -
Total for services sort 78.3
Work geographic area (%) 
North-West sort 69.6
North-East sort 4.3
Centre sort -
South sort -
Isles sort -
Abroad sort 26.1
7. Salary Selected cohort
Average monthly net salary (in euro)   
Male sort 1,489
Female sort 1,726
Total sort 1,602
8. Need for and use of a degree in the current job Selected cohort
Graduates who continue in the job started before graduation: they noticed an improvement in their job thanks to the degree (%) sort 66.7
Graduates who continue in the job started before graduation and who noticed an improvement in their job thanks to the degree: kind of improvement (%) 
Financial sort -
Professional status sort -
Functions sort 50.0
Professional skills sort 50.0
Any other aspect sort -
Applicability of skills acquired through the degree programme (%) 
Highly applicable sort 52.2
Limited applicability sort 39.1
Not applicable sort 8.7
Usefulness of the education acquired during the university experience (%) 
Very useful sort 69.6
Not very useful sort 26.1
Not useful at all sort 4.3
Degree required to obtain the current job (%) 
Required by law sort 30.4
Not required by law, but necessary sort 30.4
Not required by law, but useful sort 39.1
Neither required by law, nor useful sort -
9. Degree effectiveness and satisfaction with the current job Selected cohort
Effectiveness of the degree for the current job (%)   
Very effective/effective sort 68.2
Fairly effective sort 27.3
Not very effective/ineffective sort 4.5
Satisfaction with the current job (average, range 1-10) sort 8.3
Employed graduates looking for a job (%) sort 13.0